Search Lasting Lips by Liz

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Go Bold!!

Okay ladies! It is time to step out of your comfort zone and look at putting some fun, bold colors on your lips! I have told you before, I started out in the light natural zone too. Then I branched out to the medium pinks. Now, I'll be honest, I think the colors I used to love feel kinda boring! I still love them and think they're gorgeous colors, but when I wear them I feel bored! Haha! I need some excitement on my lips!! The sky is the limit! I'll try anything and most likely love it! I'll show you some of my favorite bold colors on me! ❤❤

My last blog post was on warm vs. cool skin tone.  If you aren't sure what skin tone you have, go check out that post here! Before you decide on a bold color for yourself you'll want to know whether you have warm or cool skin. A lot of colors can be worn on both warm or cool skin, but not all of them.

Obviously being "bold" is different for every person, but here's a few of the ones I've tried that most people would consider bold.

Say Hello to Plum! For some people, bold=dark. Plum is a super dark GORGEOUS cool purple! Word of advice on Plum though... I wouldn't get this as your first LipSense color. It can be tricky to apply. It just takes a bit of practice, but obviously it's SO worth the effort! If you want a dark, deep, rich purple Plum is for you!

While we're on a purple kick, I'll introduce you to Purple Reign! This isn't the greatest picture of me, but it shows you this beautiful bold color. I would say that Purple Reign is one of the most bold colors. It is a matte, bright, purpley pink. Purple Reign is one that will look good on anyone who is brave enough to try it. I highly recommend it!! It's a favorite of mine!

If you're more a fan of dark pinks, Strawberry Shortcake is a great pick! It is a cool and bright bit of heaven with the slightest hint of shimmer! If you're not a fan of shimmer, Kiss For A Cause looks really similar but it's a matte. I love love LOVE this one!!

Let's talk about this AMAZINGNESS called Cocoa! I ordered this because it was one of the few colors that was in stock, and I was fully expecting to hate it! I couldn't have been more wrong! I fell in LOVE with it immediately after putting it on. This one is more of a warm toned brown and it has gold shimmer to it. GORGEOUS!! I have cool skin and Cocoa looks great on me still, but I bet it would look even better one someone with warm skin!

When most people think of bold lips they think of red. I honestly have SO many favorite reds that it's hard for me to just tell you about one or two of them!

If you have warm skin here's 4 reds that will rock your socks off! 😉

Brick and Fly Girl are gorgeous matte colors. Brick is warmer than Fly Girl. Fly Girl I would call a vintage red, and even though it's technically warm, I'd say its pretty close to neutral. Fly Girl will look good on anyone!

Mojave is one of the few reds that has shimmer to it. It is also a little less bold than most of the reds so it's a good transition red. I love it!!

Red Cherry is also matte but it's a sheer matte so it gives a little different look than Brick or Fly Girl that don't have that sheer quality to them.

Here's a few cool reds that are gorgeous! I feel like both Cranberry and Rhubarb have just the slightest hint of pink to them, but only if you look closely! Blu-Red is the most true red you could ever find! It is a bold and beautiful fire engine red!

Okay, I have probably gone on tons longer than you cared to read about so I'll stop now. Here's one more picture of some stock photos of colors that are bold and beautiful but I haven't gotten a picture of them on me yet. 💋

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