Search Lasting Lips by Liz

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Out with the old and in with the new!

Let's talk for a minute about exfoliation. What is exfoliation and why is it so good for your skin?

Exfoliation is when you remove the dead skin cells on the surface of your skin.
Who wants to have dead skin cells on the surface of their skin? 👎 No one does! Yuck!

Your body is constantly shedding dead cells from above and generating new cells from below. Your skin generally has 4 layers at a time. The bottom is forming while the top is shedding. Sometimes your skin may need a little extra help getting that dead skin off. Sometimes the products that you use can hinder your body's ability to properly shed that top layer.

Most commonly when we talk about exfoliation we are talking about our faces. There's also lots of exfoliating body scrubs to help keep your whole body nice and soft. Rarely do we hear about ways to exfoliate our lips! I hadn't ever heard of exfoliating my lips until LipSense! I'm a Cosmetology grad and all and I had no idea the difference it makes to have exfoliated lips!

What's crazy is that for most people, lips are one of the places that needs it the most! Products like wax will hinder your lips natural ability to shed that top layer of dead skin cells. It creates a barrier on the surface of your lips which can certainly have its benefits, but it has its drawbacks as well. It can give you a temporary feeling of relief from dryness because that barrier doesn't let out any moisture... but it doesn't let it in either. The biggest drawback though is that the barrier it creates stops your lips from naturally exfoliating so those dead cells are trapped.

I did a blog post a few weeks ago about a Lip Scrub you can use to help your lips when they're chapped or peeling. Using that scrub will help exfoliate your lips and create a more smooth healthy surface.

If you're a LipSense user then you need a smooth clean surface for your color to bond to. Your lips will go through a natural exfoliation process when you stop putting waxes and other products that cause buildup on your lips. Those layers of buildup trap the dead skin cells that need to be sloughed off. Once you stop putting those products on your lips then your body will naturally start to slough those layers. That's one of the amazing parts about LipSense, it's formulated with products that allow your lips to naturally exfoliate. For the first few weeks you will exfoliate more because there's so much buildup to eliminate. The Lip Scrub will help as well as only using products that don't add to the build up.
Check out the difference between these before and after pics! Exfoliation is amazing! ❤

Treat your skin well and it'll treat you well 💋

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