Search Lasting Lips by Liz

Monday, March 27, 2017

Dry Peeling Lips? They're a thing of the past!

Let me tell you about my poor lips. I have dry skin, so my lips have always been so SO dry. Before LipSense entered my life I was totally a chapstick-a-holic. Chapstick never made them stop being dry, it just made them feel momentarily better... but I would take what I could get!! Then one day on my way to hair school, almost 10 years ago, I got in an accident. I was driving a scooter and T boned a suburban... yikes!! I lost a bunch of teeth and one of these said teeth made its exit through my bottom lip. I had over 20 stitches in my lip in order for it to heal! It's obviously all healed now, but I have always had a big old scar on my lip because of it. That scar is sensitive and it peels like crazy and drives me crazy!! So pretty much I've had do deal with chapped AND peeling lips for a very long time!

LipSense has TOTALLY changed my lips and they aren't as dry, but more importantly, my bottom lip NEVER peels anymore. SO EXCITING! Even with LipSense's amazingness though, my poor lips do get a little dry and peel every once in a while. I have found a solution that works like a CHARM! It's a super simple scrub you can make at home!
This scrub was a game changer! It's way fast and easy to throw together and put on, and it works instantly! If you've never worn LipSense you can totally still use this for your dry lips! If you do wear LipSense you can use this whenever your lips are feeling dry or to help the exfoliation phase pass faster.
Seriously, it's amazing! Try it out and tell me what you think! 💋

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